
Maps for Workspace Management

Find available meeting spaces, amenities, and people and gain insights into how your spaces are used.

Stay safe

Guide teams and visitors around the workplace while adhering to return to work policies.

Save time

Reduce time spent looking for meeting spaces, people, and amenities in the office.

Easy to get started

Upload your existing floor plans to create building levels and campuses.

Simple to configure

Automatically identify rooms, add points of interests, and more before publishing.

Located everywhere

View on workplace displays, including kiosks, room scheduling panels, and more.

Analyze your spaces

Understand how your spaces are being used, when they are occupied, and more.

Monitor and adapt back to work visitor policies

While guest registration kiosks manage the flow of visitors in and out of your buildings, gain insight into visitor volume and run reports for individual buildings, visitors, hosts, and more.

Appspace is flexible, secure, and grows with you

Learn how Appspace makes it easy to implement and utilize one platform to create a modern workplace.